Monday, January 31, 2011

2 Days Before Take Off

I was trying to think of the best time to start my blog. I decided last year, that in the New Year I would do a big trip to work on my travel portfolio. So here we go, in a few days I take off for a few months to take pictures. It’s the perfect opportunity for me to begin my blog. I’ll be taking photographs almost everyday, and I’ll be shooting so many different topics. From nature and landscapes, to portraits and architecture.
I want to share my experiences of what I learn and know. There is much more to photography then clicking the shutter. Already I’m trying to figure out which lenses to bring and which ones to leave home, making sure my camera bag meets all carry on requirements, do I have all the proper cables and chargers, is all my equipment insured. There are lots of things to keep in mind when leaving on a trip like this. The hardest thing to leave behind was my tri-pod. I shoot lots of landscapes, so a tri-pod is a must. But I’ll be living out of a backpack for the next few months and I just don’t have the room.

Not only do I have all my camera equipment to bring, but I’m also a Type 1 Diabetic. I’ve compromised bringing clothes for camera equipment and medical supplies. After an afternoon of sorting through my camera gear, I’ve finally figured out what I’m bringing…

the gear
For my lenses, I have a 70-200mm, 24-70mm, 17-40mm, 50mm, and a 100mm macro. So I have a wide range covered, telephoto, standard zoom, wide angle and macro.

My one rule for the airport is never check your camera gear… If it’s not coming on as carry on, I’m not getting on the plane. I should be fine!

Next stop… Fiji!

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